Spring 2013 Fashion Trends For Women

[Spring Summer 2013 Fashion Trends] After fall / winter 2012 the fashion industry has already focussed its gaze on a fashion season that’s still a year away: spring / summer 2013. You’ll find one of the first color trend reports for the season’s women’s fashion.

Design Options, a Californian forecast agency, have highlighted three separate spring 2013 fashion trends for women.

1. Earth Daze
Spring 2013 Fashion Trends For Women
Design Options see Earth Daze as a spring 2013 fashion trend that continues on from the 1960s and tribal fashion statements of spring 2012;
Burnt orange and brown tones of bewilderment and bemuse combine peaceful ideas and 1960?s flair. Deep burgundy and intense blue shades of Provencal and unadorned add a touch of delicacy on a canvas of timeless artistry.
Artful with accents of agility and civilisation.
The key details are brocade, velvet, paisley and tribal prints, while the associated colors for spring 2013 are as follows;

2. Natural Expression
Spring 2013 Fashion Trends For Women
The former fashion trend might have been dubbed Earth Daze by Design Options, but it’s Natural Expression that actually has strong earthy colors.
Earthy tones of slate grey and rustic olive indicate notions of loveliness on a backdrop of silk georgette. Cornflower blue and teal hues of gracious debutante and femme fatale delicately draw attention to smoky accents.

Particular and naturally expressive.
The key details for Natural Expression are metallic linen and rayon jersey, while these are the associated colors;

3. Primary Circle
Spring 2013 Fashion Trends For Women
Let’s face it: Natural Expression and Earth Daze are both rather subdued interpretations of spring / summer 2013. And if spring / summer seasons are about anything, it’s loud colours – hence Design Options’ Primary Circle fashion trend.
Energetic and striking tones of orange exude deliberation and pragmatic intention. Grass green hues of iridescence fuse melodically with cherry red undertones creating the perfect unification.
The principal elements of unification.
The key fabrics of Primary Circle are bamboo jersey and patent leather, while the trend’s colors are as follows;

As the spring 2013 fashion season nears, Springsummerfashiontrends.blogspot.com will bring you insight into all of its trends. If you’d like to be kept up to date then be sure to subscribe to Fashionising.com’s RSS feed or give us the thumbs up on Facebook.

Spring 2013 Textures & Themes Trends

There are the spring 2013 colour trends, and then there are the textures and patterns that will go a long way to defining the season’s wardrobe. SpinExpo, a trade show dedicated to the the sorts of fibres and fabrics that end up defining many a trend, have released their interpretation of spring / summer 2013?s direction. Based on the fibre, yarn and knits being produced, SpinExpo have highlighted four men’s and women’s themes.
Spring 2013 Fashion Trends For Women
1. Cosmic Transformation picks up on a sci-fi and futurism vibe with light and dark colours along with textured cloth drawing inspiration form the complexities of space’s composition.

Spring 2013 Fashion Trends For Women
2. Aquatic Transformation looks closer to home for a look inspired by “the ocean [and] an underwater world of darkness punctuated by bright, unusual forms reflecting light and movement.”

Spring 2013 Fashion Trends For Women
3. Cultural Transformation is inspired by the same softness that has led to revival of the likes of 1950s fashion. More so, though, it’s inspired by “the ideals and beauty of the art world, from performance to painting and literature, cultural influences offer delicacy, subtlety and refined elegance.”

Spring 2013 Fashion Trends For Women
4. Nomadic transformation sees a trend inspired not by space, sea or land, but rather the people who inhabit it. Beginning where the tribal fashion trend left off, it’s a look inspired by the “surviving traditions and obscure cultures” of the world’s artisans.

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