Women What you think about your body

Whether pear or apple-shaped, short or statuesque, post-childbirth sloppy or plain fed up of feeling everything's heading south, what counts more than how you're built is how you present yourself.

No matter what's in style, knowing what looks good on you can be the difference between fabulous and frumpy. Do you lunge for the newest fashion, run out to get the hottest trend? It's great to be fashionable, but sometimes there's a fine line between fashionista and fashion victim.
Instead of obsessing over the weight that won’t go away, with strategic dressing you can learn how to make friends with your body again, with the right clothes. Learn the clever art of 'illusion' dressing - project the positive and your negative bits will look less in comparison.
Good bust? Emphasise it, great legs? Show them off, the same applies for every key body zone.
Good Foundations - Ditch those skimpy g-strings and non-complimentary bras - they make wobbly bits worse. At least 50% of women wear the wrong bra size. In contrast, well-fitting underwear give any woman va-voom, controlled curves.
Be happy in your skin and enjoy being a woman whatever shape you're in. Chances are if you give the impression your figures fabulous, others will think so, too!

Curvy: There are many patterns that can camouflage weight a rule of thumb is that if you are curvy, you'll want to wear one bigger, bolder print.
If you want to minimize curves, hips and thighs, stay away from pants that are tapered or slim.

Petite: If you are petite, bigger prints can overwhelm you, so go with smaller prints and patterns.
Wear V-neck shirts; the open neckline makes your neck appear longer, and you'll appear taller. Avoid horizontal stripes. Vertical lines such as pinstripes will give the illusion of being taller or thinner.

Tall: Wide-leg slouchy trousers or jeans look best on taller individuals, and they're a great way to accentuate your waist to appear slimmer.
This can make or break an outfit. They can turn a drab trouser suit into something enviable; they can turn a drab T-shirt and jeans into the hottest outfit at a get together. Start with shoes to make a great impact. Heels can do wonders for many. If you want to add height, try wedges and if you want to make your ankles look lean, avoid ankle straps on shoes as those will cut you off in the wrong place.

Just because ankle straps can make your ankles look chunky doesn't mean you should simply give up and throw on a pair of boots. Be careful with boots if you are concerned about your calves. Wear tall boots that end just below the bend of the knee. Never wear boots that cut you off mid-calf.

Remember, a great pair of shoes isn't the only way to kick an outfit into high gear.
Buy accessories, such as handbags that coordinate with your height and size. If you're petite, the oversized clutch may overwhelm you; go for the trendy 'day clutch.

If you are taller or curvy, the midsized to oversized clutch can balance you out. Wearing dark colours or monochromatic colour schemes in any colour can camouflage your weight. However, if you want to avoid looking boring, you need to break it up with some fun accessories.

Wearing wrong size clothing 85% of women wear wrong size clothing?
It’s true, there are so many negative body images that we all buy into from the fashion world, film industry and pop music industry and in time we start believing that this is how we should look!

With every season that goes by we are bombarded with the latest must-haves and we rush out and buy them without thinking are they right for my body shape, life style and personality?
How many times have we rushed out to buy something we've seen in a magazine, only to get it home, try it on and thought Why don’t I look like that picture in the magazine? And why doesn’t it compliment my body?

Fashion magazines may be full of waif-like models with fragile, stick thin limbs and bodies as flat as boards; women are actually designed to have curves. Its natural, its feminine, it’s sexy and most men (88%) say that they prefer curvy women to those with a ‘perfect body’. The question is what is the perfect body?

When it comes to looking good, it’s NOT your size or shape that matters, it’s the FIT of your clothes. Really understanding your shape will make shopping much easier. Wearing the right size clothes is not about following the latest fashion or fads; it’s about choosing what actually suits your own personality and style and what makes you feel comfortable and confident.

How you look does affect how you feel about yourself, your performance in life and how others' perceive you. The old saying ‘not to judge by its cover’ may be true, but in retrospective, ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression’ always sticks in people’s minds.

You've probably seen at least a few people wearing too-tight clothing that reveals every imperfection on those areas that would best remain hidden -- hello, Lycra bike shorts! You probably don't want to emulate that look if you want to dress to impress.

You will need to stay away from clingy jersey-knit dresses and tops that show every dimple and bulge. Choosing fabrics that are heavier in weight or lined would be much better. If you are in love with a semi-sheer dress or one without a liner, consider getting a throwback to yesteryear: the old faithful slip. One of the most important things to remember when it comes to style is maintaining a posture.

Feeling confident about what you're wearing is the most important fashion tip out there. If you feel good about what you have on, it will show in your attitude and smile, and that is really all that matters.

To help with posture, you are advised to invest in a good, supportive bra.
Finding a bra that fits and one that is ill-fitting can make the difference between good and poor posture, confidence and insecurity, well-fitting clothing or a dishevelled look. That (correctly fitted bra) alone can make you look 10 pounds thinner.

Wearing the wrong size bra?
Thousands of women are wearing the wrong size bra. A woman's bust size changes over time due to such things as lifestyle, pregnancy, age and monthly cycle. It's a natural variation but many women take none of this into consideration and continue buying and wearing the same size bra for years.

Bras can also stretch by as much as 4 inches across the back over as little time as 9-12 months so what was the perfect fit then, may well be nowhere near the perfect fit now!
The bra should feel comfortable to your taste and be matched to your activity level and lifestyle. Here are some tips to help you understand the way a bra fit can be determined rightly or wrongly.

Right fitted size bra
A properly fitted bra should feel snug around the ribcage, anchored to the body just below the shoulder blades.
The band should be level front to back and should not ride up or dig.
The shoulder straps should be secure but comfortable as most of the support should come from the band.
The cup should be filled but not overflowing.
The underwire should encircle the breast, resting firmly against the ribcage and the center of the bra should be between the breasts.
The underwire should never rest on top of sensitive breast tissue and should stay in place when your arms are raised.

Wrongly fitted size bra – too small / large
Bra straps/sides digging into the shoulders/rib cage. (Too small)
Red marks, chaffing and indentations (Too small)
The breasts are bulging out of the top or bottom of the bra. (Too small)
Abnormal back ache or shoulder pains (Too small/large)
Bra rides up at the back (Too large)
Straps keep slipping off (Too large)
Front panel standing away from the chest cavity (too small/large)

Take a look at the way you measure your cup size from the link below:-

How to measure your bra size

You need to know what works for your age which will save a lot of trouble when shopping for clothes. Most college students don't want to dress like a middle-aged woman; most middle-aged women should avoid dressing like a teen, even if they are in great shape and look good for their age.

Here are some suggestions on what you should and should not wear, based on your age:

20s & 30s: You're young enough to pull off almost any trend, so go for it, as long as you're comfortable in it and you don't find yourself tugging at it to make it fit you.

40s & 50s: Go for the classics that will last you season after season, like a great statement coat. It's time to invest in fabulous handbags and shoes that show off your personal style.

60s & Up: Keep your look polished with classics, but don't be afraid to throw in some bold colour and metallic extras.


Most People Have Poor Posture. Posture is more than just the alignment of your body. It gives signs about your attitude on life and yourself!
Bad posture can make you look insecure, depressed and uncomfortable. When You Stand Tall and Erect, you show that you are; Confident, Stylish, Comfortable, Cool with Yourself

GOOD posture can make you look at least 5-10 pounds slimmer INSTANTLY!
So Stand Up Straight!

All day today be aware of your posture. Walk around like you are a supermodel and believe it!

What Men Say
We asked which female celebrity has the best body
40% say Kelly Brook
15% say Myleene Klass
1% rate Kate Moss as having the best celeb body – so curves win again!
38% estimate the average size of a British woman - answer size 14 – it’s actually size 16!
58% of men say they are happy with their partner’s body and wouldn’t want them to lose or gain weight
77% of men say yes when asked whether they wish women were more body confident
So, take it from the men, that the majority of them love you just the way you are – but you have to love yourselves too. The message coming loud and clear is: “You’ve got it, so flaunt it!”

If you could change one part of your partner’s body, what would it be? Answers were -
“I’d give her bigger hips for a curvy hourglass figure”
“Slimmer thighs – but only because that would make her happier, and I want her to be happy”
“I wouldn’t change my girlfriend. She’s perfect”
“Nothing everything works, she’s happy with it, I’m happy with it, why change?”

Hurrah for curves
We asked whose body you admire most:
26% voted for TV presenter Myleene Klass
22% picked curvy Kelly Brook
15% went for supermodel Gisele Bündchen
And what do they all have, girls? Yep, great boobs! PS: Nobody voted for skinny supermodel-of-the-moment Agyness Deyn, or curvy singer Beth Ditto.
56% of women say their breasts are the most attractive part of their body
45% say their stomach is the part of their body they like the least
21% constantly worry about their weight
55% worry their partner isn’t attracted to them because of their body
56% would consider having cosmetic surgery – 41% want liposuction
32% say their ideal dress size is an 8
Vital statistics
10st 1lb: the average weight of a fabulous reader
79% of you want to lose weight
37% of you want to lose 1-7lb

Final Message
The secret to all this is knowing your body shape, dressing to hide the parts that you don’t like and showing off your best parts. In a recent ‘Which Report’ it was discovered that clothes can vary up to 4 inches in shops.
85% of women wear the wrong size clothes
81% of women own sexy underwear, less than 30% of women wear them
68% of women hate their thighs
73% of women obsess about their body’s everyday
60% of women say the media pressures them to look good
The national average for a woman’s waist is in fact 34 inches!

It is important to embrace who you are and love your flaws. It is not about age Fashion or expensive clothing: it is about understanding what suits your body shape, your personality and lifestyle. Applying that insight will help you achieve your goals personally and professionally.

Loving and knowing you, whatever size you are its the key to life fulfillment.
You are Important, Fabulous and Valuable, Don’t EVER Forget That!

Until you break the circle of self pity and putting yourself down, all you will do is attract what you don’t want, that is misery and more self pity, which equals sadness and self worthlessness about yourself. I want women to start at ground zero and begin by being honest with yourself and to love yourself for you are.

I believe ALL women are beautiful, and with the right clothes you can also exude self confidence and self esteem. It may also include changing your lifestyle – eating healthily and exercise. Many people believe the term ‘Real Women’ refers to plus size women. In fact I believe the exact description of a real woman is as follows:

She comes in all shapes and sizes
She walks the mile
She makes you smile
She takes chances
She has flaws
She embraces life
She is Phenomenal
She is Adventurous

Ladies get out there and make the changes for you, it’s all about attraction!


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