Obesity is rising
As a nation we need to change the way we eat and incorporate exercise to keep up a good staple diet and a balanced way of living. We are over-indulging with recent reports of increasing obesity, but it’s not necessarily our fault.
We keep treating the symptoms:-
• Heartburn
• Allergies
• Coughing
• dry, itchy throat and tongue
• Itchy skin or rash
• Nausea and feeling bloated
• Diarrhoea and/or vomiting
• Wheezing and shortness of breath
• Swelling of the lips and throat
• Runny or blocked nose
• Sore, red and itchy eyes
This list goes on and on, the result of knowing what causes these symptoms never get answered, instead we are bamboozled into being given a medicine that masks the problem.
Some doctors are passive when trying to help you, in fact they convince you into thinking that you are solely to blame, and it’s because of an un-healthy lifestyle!
Well it’s not all your fault, and the reason you will never have anyone form the food industry, from any of the scientific organisations and the government to admit anything, is because it’s all about the £ and $’s, PROFIT.
What is there to admit? The fact that our food, packaging, and the way farms cultivate produce is filled with a cocktail of additives that are harmful to humans, in fact in some cases it can trigger off cancer.
But hey who am I to preach, I’m not the expert here, but I do have knowledge of the chemicals that have been induced into the food products that have been distributed throughout US and UK and it’s not good.
There are many people out there working hard to lobby against the use of harmful additives, but no one hears about it! Instead many of us have bought into the propaganda seen on TV and reports that come out now and again, “carrots are bad for you because” or "drinking coffee can help reduce cancer” as an example.
This is almost like a strategic method to keep people in the mainstream of thinking.
Too many people have been brainwashed into thinking that the symptoms are our fault, "you eat too much", "you eat too much junk food".
“We don't know exactly why some people have a food allergy and others don't. But someone is more likely to develop a food allergy if they have a parent, brother or sister with an allergy of any type”.
Does that look familiar! The government are campaigning about obesity in Britain and using the autonomy of the Food manufacturing to blame, which to a point is correct, for producing so much low standard junk food and other processed food as the cause of over indulgence.
Hey everyone we all need to take responsibility for our lives, we need to do more research into the food processing and what is used, but most of all make it aware to others that they may also pass it on.
Nothing so far I’ve seen, convinces me that the government, food manufacturers, food processing scientist are going to blow the lid wide open with the use of deadly additives that are a cause to many of the increasing diseases, allergies and cancer forms that have increased for many years.
The additives that are used in many of the food produce is induced with the food we consume and sits in your body and it’s the reaction to your body that you feel the effects that have increased over the years, and at worse has developed into all the side effects many of us are suffering today.
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